Belgian Journal of Entomology 2023

BJE 2023 vol. 144 - Roger Cammaerts - Demographic data on a stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) population self-established in an artificial suburban habitat (38pp) (pdf)

BJE 2023 vol. 143 - James K. Wetterer, Kiko Gómez, Maimuna Keita & Mamudou Jallow - Ants nesting in red mangroves of The Gambia (West Africa) (8pp) (pdf)

BJE 2023 vol. 142 - Léon Baert, Jean-Pierre Maelfait†, Konjev Desender†, Frederik Hendrickx, Wouter Dekoninck, Mado Berthet, Katia Bouckaert†, Julien Caudron & Marylise Leclercq - Updated checklist, origin, distribution, literature and genital drawings of the spiders of the Galápagos Islands (188pp) (pdf LQ) (pdf HQ)

BJE 2023 vol. 141 - François Vankerkhoven, Peter Berx, Bart Bosmans, Wouter Dekoninck, Marc Janssen, Eugène Stassen & Luc Crevecoeur - Faunistic survey of myrmecophilous and other ant-associated beetles and spiders in the Belgian province of Limburg (Araneae, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (61pp) (pdf)

BJE 2023 vol. 140 - Fons Verheyde, Jeffrey Jacobs, Wouter Dekoninck, Kees van Achterberg, Jeroen de Rond, Tim De Blanck, Karel Schoonvaere, Hans Nieuwenhuijsen, Augustijn De Ketelaere, Bart Minnebo & Mar Ferrer-Suay - Remarks on Hymenoptera on urban green roofs in Belgium (37pp) (pdf)

BJE 2023 vol. 139 - Thornthan Unnahachote & Xavier H.C. Vermeersch - Two new species of giant praying mantises (Mantodea: Mantidae: Hierodulinae: Hierodulini) from Thailand (15pp) (pdf)

BJE 2023 vol. 138 - Michael Balkenohl - The genus Eoclivina (Kult, 1959) from Africa with the description of two new species (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Clivinini) (17pp) (pdf)

BJE 2023 vol. 137 - Linda Semeraro & Jérôme Constant - The “Triceratops” leafhoppers. A new species of the genus Cornutipo Evans, 1934 from Northern Queensland, Australia. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Eurymelinae: Ipoini) (20pp) (pdf)

BJE 2023 vol. 136 - Kawin Jiaranaisakul, Itsarapong Voraphab & Jérôme Constant - Redescription of Pyrops condorinus with new distribution records from Thailand (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) (15pp) (pdf)

BJE 2023 vol. 135 - Thomas J. Wood - The genus Andrena in Belgium: revisions, clarifications, and a key for their identification (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) (63pp) (pdf)

BJE 2023 vol. 134 - Patrick Grootaert & Alain Drumont - Flies in the centennial Botanic Garden Jean Massart (Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium) (279pp) (pdf)