BJE 1999 vol. 1 (1)
BRAET Y. - Description of new Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from Papua New Guinea (pdf) (18pp)
DEVRIESE H. - Révision des Xerophyllini d'Afrique (Orthoptera Tetrigidae) (pdf) (79pp)
PAULY A. - Classification des Nomiinae africains. Le genre Trinomia Pauly (Hymenoptera Apoidea Halictidae) (pdf) (36pp)
TERZO M. - Révision du genre Exoneuridia Cockerell, 1911 (Hymenoptera Apoidea Xylocopinae Allodapini) (pdf) (16pp)
Short notes
GROOTAERT P. & MEUFFELS H.J.G. - Discovery of Terpsimyia semicincta (Becker), a marine dolichopodid fly in the Gulf of Siam (Insecta Diptera Dolichopodidae) (pdf) (7pp)
VAN ASSELT L. - Influence or Acarus siro (Acari Acaridae) acetone extracts on conspecifics (pdf) (5pp)
BJE 1999 vol. 1 (2)
DESSART P. - Révision des Dendrocerus du groupe "halidayi" (Hymenoptera Ceraphronoidea Megaspilidae) (pdf) (98pp)
IRMLER U. - Revision of the genus Neolosus Blackwelder, 1942 from South America (Coleoptera Staphylinidae Osoriinae) (pdf) (8pp)
MAGIS N. - Les Allantini de la Belgique et des région limitrophes (Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae Allantinae) (pdf) (36pp)
FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ M.M., SALGADO COSTAS J.M. & PAJARES ALONSO J.A. - The seasonal development of the gonads and fat content of Tomicus minor (Coleoptera Scolytidae) (pdf) (14pp)
Short notes
BRAET Y. - Descriptions of new Braconidae (Hymenoptera Braconidae) (pdf) (9pp)
GROOTAERT P. & MEUFFELS H.J.G. - Description of Chaetogonopteron chaeturum sp. n., a very common Dolichopodid fly from South Thailand (Insecta Diptera Dolichopodidae) (pdf) (8pp)